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Three Terse ‘Tarot’ Thoughts

[1] Deathlessness: The challenge is always to find the path to the deathless before impending death creeps up. The so-called ‘final destination’ of death is however not so final after all as there is rebirth (and redeath). There is kind of plenty of time, but also kind of not enough time, though serial procrastinators might keep not finding time in time, for indefinite time.

[2] Fatefulness: It is self-fulfillingly fatal to be fatalistic. Since it is pointless to think things are pointless, fight the good fight for the potentially better. If your destiny is what you make, remake or resign to, you might as well (re)shape it best you can. Even if your ‘fate’ is kind of reflected in the ‘cards’ dealt, (which it is not really so), you can still play the ‘cards’ well.

[3] Timeliness: Those by greed, hatred and delusion self-cursed life after life can only be self-released, by letting go of these poisons in time. Death can mean the end of something old or start of something new. You can decide what to end well, and what to start better now; not just at the end of life later. Now is as timely as ever to do what you should.

Please Be Mindful Of Your Speech, Namo Amituofo!

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