If you are not open to the reality that people change, you will have stale relationships of your own making. — Stonepeace Jennifer Taylor is a Buddhist teacher who lives in Alive Springs in the...
Author - tdeditors
Know the Truth
As the truth is true whether we realise it or not, it is wiser to realise it than not. – Stonepeace
How to Practise the Perfection of Generosity
The gift of truth is the greatest because it is the gift of both compassion and wisdom. — Stonepeace | Get Books In training in the applied resolve, the Bodhicitta [aspiration to help all gain...
How to Practise Diligently
To practise diligently, see each Dharma practice session as possibly your last chance to practise in this life — because it could really be. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Don’t Generalise
One who generalises the truth makes specific mistakes about it. — Stonepeace | Get Book
Overcoming Anger and Bitterness with Compassion
With selfish apathy arises no compassion. With selfless empathy arises true compassion. — Stonepeace | Get Books [7-step visualization exercise] 1. Think of someone who annoys you or whom you really...
Vast Yet Fine
Your view should be as vast as the sky,* but your conduct should be as fine as barley flour.** – Padmasambhava * All-encompassing without attachment ** Meticulous with necessary concerns
A Very Brief Introduction to Dzogchen
Not abiding anywhere in particular, where does one not abide in particular? — Stonepeace | Get Books In Western society the message of Dzogchen may come as a relief, particularly to those who feel...
Deep Thought
Deep contemplation is not to think a lot but to reflect upon and realise the essential. — Stonepeace | Get Books
How to Eat for Better Personal & Planetary Health
… I am committed to cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion and to learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants and minerals… — Thich Nhat Hanh (The first mindfulness...
True Paradox
True Love is truly paradoxical because it is truly conditioned by being truly unconditional. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Timeless Truth
An entire lifetime with no time spent to realise the timeless truth is an utter waste of time. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Why a Monk Didn’t Enjoy
Any pleasure enjoyed without awareness of its fleeting nature will lead to pain. – Stonepeace There once was a king who did not follow the Buddha but whose wife was a very devout Buddhist. One...
Throwing Away the Four Notions in the Diamond Sutra
People in the world tend to believe in one of two views: the view of being or the view of non-being. That is because they are bound to wrong perception. – The Buddha (The Sutra on the Middle...
Not Fully Adequate
Others’ opinions of us are useful for reference because as long as we are unenlightened, our self-reflections are never fully adequate. Yet, our opinions of others are never fully adequate...
The Emptiness & Interrelatedness in Recycling
Recycling your materials recycles your blessings – Stonepeace While the modern economic principle of lowering costs and increasing profits seems like a model for economic efficiency, once we...
Realistic Results
If you practice fantasised methods, you get fantasised results. If you practice realistic methods, you get realistic results. — Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche
How Conscious of Your Consciousness are You?
All suffering arise from self-centredness. All solutions arise from selflessness. – Stonepeace A common mistake about consciousness is to misunderstand it (in secular terms) as some sort of...
The Real Magic
The real magic is not in the mystical but in the demystification of what seems magical. This is called Enlightenment. — Stonepeace | Get Books
The Mantra of the Perfection of Wisdom
The perfection of wisdom (Prajnaparamita) is the ability to guide all to transcend the sea of Samsara, and to reach the shore of Buddhahood — Stonepeace | Get Books A mantra is something that you...
Do the Worthier
Though it might be harder to do the right thing, it is correspondingly worthier to do so. — Stonepeace | Get Books
An Admonitory Funeral Speech
Buddha-nature as a pure potential is fully indestructible, while any defiled nature is fully destructible. — Stonepeace | Get Books At the cremation of a dead monk, Hengchuan said: “Each and every...
The Nine-Point Meditation on Death
Life is uncertain; Death is certain. — Buddhist Saying The Tibetan Buddhist tradition contains an extremely effective meditation on death called the nine-point meditation on death. It is presented...
How Best to Protect the Dharma
The best way to protect the Dharma is to study, practise, realise and share it. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Please Feed the Right Wolf
How you feed yourself physically reflects how you feed yourself spiritually. — Stonepeace | Get Books There was a story that was widely circulated a few days after the attacks of September 11, 2001...
What’s Left To Do
Since all the teachings have already been taught by the Buddha, what’s left is for us to study, contemplate, practise, realise & share them. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Where is Our Beloved Child Now?
In order to turn the worlds into pure Buddha-worlds, in which all living beings can be enlightened, Bodhisattvas should not eat meat. [As there is no killing or demand for it in Purelands.] — The...
Changing Karmic Affinities
We can never truly lose any ‘thing’, while our present karmic affinities with people, places, matters, objects and qualities change. [If so, why not change negative affinities to be...
The Invisible Armour Against Aggression
Unfounded fearlessness leads to unbounded shamelessness. — Stonepeace | Get Books Normally we have so little control over our emotions – and we feel our vulnerability as a tight knot in our chests...
Mad Being Mad
It is mad to be mad at someone mad. — Stonepeace | Get Books Being angry is to let others’ mistakes punish us. — Saying
邪恶 | Evil
没有邪恶之人— 真正的邪恶是我们内心的无明, 让我们以为有恶人的存在, 让我们没发现真正的邪恶, 是我们内心的无明。 就是我们内心这集体的邪恶, 化现为我们看到的世界上各种形式的邪恶。 因此,也是集体的精神净化, 才能把世界从邪恶中拯救出来。 (1月15日 – TDE 1) There are no evil people— the real evil is the ignorance...
Let’s End Regrets
Since the slightest regret binds us to Samsara, spiritual cultivation is the process of resolving regrets. — Stonepeace | Get Books
分享 | Share
分享喜悦使快乐倍增,不是减损。 是个双赢的局面。 那就分享吧—何乐而不为? 没什么好失去的—除了自私自利的不快乐以外! (1月14日 – TDE 1) Sharing a joy is a happiness doubled, not divided. It is a win-win situation. Share then—why not? Nothing to...
人人处处 | Everyone Everywhere
任何人在任何地方做任何事情 都影响所有地方的所有事物。 一切事物的性质都凭着互相的依存 自身都并不存在。 一个人本身并没有什么, 因为他的存在靠着全世界的支持, 然而同时他自己一个也可以摧毁世界一大部分。 世界的存活靠每一个人。 我们每一个都扮演各自的角色。 你扮演什么角色? (1月13日 – TDE 1) Anything anyone does anywhere affects...
内在真理 | Truth Within Oneself
如果你不准备 从你所在之处寻找真理, 你认为应该在哪里找到它呢? 你越是在自己以外寻找真理, 真理就离得越远。 如果真理可以在自身以外找到, 最富最强者早已找到。 真理不可能在外头, 因为你那蒙蔽着真理的妄念在里头。 你只需要往内看, 去除你的妄念, 真理就在那里! (1月12日 – TDE 1) If you do not expect to find the Truth where you...
妄念 | Delusion
你所知道的真理有多真实, 就看你的妄念让你看得多清晰— 如同满月的光芒有多亮, 就看遮挡它的乌云允许它照射多少。 不是此就是彼— 你要的是更多真理的光芒, 还是无明的黑暗? 我们一直都在做这样的抉择— 无时无刻。 (1月11日 – TDE 1) The Truth you know is only as real as your delusions allow it to be— just as...
错误 | Mistakes
证悟路上我们可能会犯的两个错误— 不现在就上路, 似乎还有更好的上路的时间, 似乎还有很多时间慢慢上路。 不走完全程, 似乎别处还有更好的目的地, 似乎放弃会更好。 (1月10日 – TDE 1) Two mistakes one might make on the way to Enlightenment— Not starting now, as if there is a better...
地狱 | Hell
现在经历着“地狱”般的痛苦 并不是永远都留在地狱。 我们只是经过地狱。 尽管非常可怕, 但它也不过是漫长的学习经历的一部分; 通往觉悟路上的 漫长却“必要”的业的弯路。 你个人的地狱不是个人的惩罚; 它是紧急的警钟。 它是心灵训练— 你所受的艰辛度正是你所需要的剂量, 以你个人业报呈现。 (1月9日 – TDE 1) Going through “hell” now is not going...
抗拒 | Resistance
我们抗拒什么,什么就越顽强。佛陀从来没有抗拒魔罗,他让魔罗在他内心里浮起,向自己展开剧烈斗争。但是他能毫不畏缩地面对心魔。 重要的是,不要随着这一切而迷失自己。在狂风暴雨之中站稳脚跟,保持平静。一失足,你就会被旋涡卷走。如果我们每一次都抗拒心魔,那它们只会被压抑下去,日后则一而再再而三地死灰复燃。愿你今天就面对你顽强的心魔! (1月8日 – TDE 1) Whatever we resists...
开阔的心灵 | Openness
简单的真理 | Simple Truth
静心。 照见。 观。 没什么束缚着你。 你是自由的! —佛陀《法句经》 多么简单,却多么真实!《法句经》与其他较为复杂的佛教经典比较起来,相对“简单”。然而,它却能从无数的方方面面,在不同场合,以各种方法利益我们。重新探索吧! (1月6日 – TDE 1) Quieten your mind. Reflect. Watch. Nothing binds you. You are free...
睁大新奇的双眼 | Wild Wide Eyes
我发现当我把眼睛睁得大大的时候,这世界看起来更加明亮,更加鲜明。你可别笑!你可能认为我们打从幼儿时期就应该发现了这点。但是我觉得这不尽然。 用一双新鲜的大眼睛看世界,就能给一切注入新生命。你不妨试用在你亲人的身上,以些许惊奇的心态,去看他们的存在,看他们从头到脚无限量的错综复杂的可能性。你会看到全新的他们。小孩子能享受无尽的乐趣,不就是因为他们总能睁大新奇的双眼看世界吗?...
相信 | Belief
某些东西,是我们误以为的信仰。 某些东西,是我们真正的信仰。 你真正信仰什么呢? 你必须老实。 为了追求真理和真实的快乐, 你必须对自己老实。 你必须老实。 你真的相信自己骨子里是佛教徒吗? 如果是,你做了些什么让你称得上是佛教徒呢? (1月4日 – TDE 1) There are beliefs we believe we believe. And there is that we...
神奇 | Magic
菩萨道 | Way Of The Bodhisattva
因为完全地善待自己, 而体会到慈爱的无价。 因为体会到慈爱的无价, 而把它与一切众生分享。 这就是最好的善行。 这就是未来佛——菩萨,所行之道! (1月2日 – TDE 1) The kindest thing you can do is to be so kind to yourself, that you realise the value of kindness so much, that...
正念 / Mindfulness
Honesty as a Spiritual Warrior
How can we face truths of the universe openly, if we do not even face truths about ourselves honestly? — Stonepeace | Get Books Becoming a [spiritual] warrior and facing yourself is a question of...
Purpose of Life
The first purpose of life is to realise the meaning of life. The second purpose of life is to share the meaning of life. — Stonepeace | Get Books
The Great Bliss Prayer for Birth in Pure Land
What greater bliss can there be, than to dwell in the land of bliss, that leads us to the ultimate bliss of liberation, that leads us to help others realise the same. — Stonepeace Wherever one is...
Most Endangered Most Forgotten
The most individually endangered animals are those deemed the least endangered by species — countless chickens, turkeys, fish, pigs, cows, sheep who are killed everyday. — Stonepeace
The Emptiness of Money
Craving physical wealth oils the rounds of Samsara. Accumulating spiritual wealth ends the rounds of Samsara. — Stonepeace | Get Books The basic difficulty, from a Buddhist perspective, is that we...
Ultimate Sacrifice
Sacrifice of precious things without is not the ultimate sacrifice. Sacrifice of useless defilements within is the ultimate sacrifice. — Stonepeace
The Efficacy of Buddha Mindfulness
If we are truly mindful, we will realise that mindfulness of Buddha is the most skilful of means that the Buddha ever taught. — Stonepeace | Get Books A friend of mine was once bold enough to tell a...
It is impossible for another to accept one’s apology if one does not apologise, but it is always possible to forgive one for not apologising. — Stonepeace
Is the Dharma Difficult or Easy to Realise
Easy or difficult depends on whether one’s method is right or not, whether one’s effort is enough or not. — Stonepeace | Get Books Lingzhao (early ninth century C.E.) was the daughter of...
Paradox of Rules
There are fixed rules, including the rule that some rules are not fixed. [The spirit of the precepts is more important than the letter of the precepts.] — Stonepeace
Three of Many Disadvantages of Anger
Anger is not only seldom productive; it is often thoroughly destructive. — Stonepeace | Get Books In fact, Buddhism says that acting out of anger is never the skillful thing to do. You might think of...
Weakness to Strength
The only one true weakness is to be complacent about our weaknesses. The only one true strength is to be diligent about transforming them to strengths. — Stonepeace
The Two Dimensions of Reality
Since every thing is interdependent upon one another, there is no one independent creator of everything. — Stonepeace | Get Books We come to the practice of meditation seeking relief from our...
How Broadening Our Mind Alleviates Pain
To be fully enlightened is to have the broadest heart and mind possible, without losing sensitivity to the narrowest hearts and minds. — Stonepeace | Get Books Just as the Dalai Lama was about to...
Love All
How can one love all beings while one loves some beings’ flesh at the same time? – Stonepeace
The Legend of Princess Miao Shan
If living beings encounter weariness or peril, immeasurable suffering pressing them down. the power of the Perceiver of Sounds’ wonderful wisdom can save them from the sufferings of the world...
Full Awareness
As we are affected by our sub-consciousness, we should become as conscious as possible. Otherwise, our lives would be semi-conscious ones. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Perfectly Imperfect
This imperfect moment is the perfect moment to practise the Dharma, because if all is already perfect now, there would be no need to practise. – Stonepeace
It’s Time for Mindful Self-Examination
Mindfulness is the root of all the methods that tame the mind. First it focuses the mind. Then it eases the mind. Finally it is the luminous nature, beyond thoughts. — Patrul Rinpoche We should take...
Every Bit Counts
No good deed is insignificant, especially to the one who benefits from it. – Stonepeace
Mindfulness is Lesson One
If you are not even mindful of your suffering (by realising the First Noble Truth), how can you be mindful of the need to end it (by realising the Third Noble Truth)? — Stonepeace | Get Books There’s...
True Integrity
One who is agreeable to all on all matters will be disagreeable to some on some matters. — Stonepeace
Waves of Loving-Kindness
Why be grouchy when you can be neutral? Why be neutral when you can be friendly? – Stonepeace The meditation center where I teach is in the hills of the West Virginia countryside. When we first...
Hopelessness & Hopefulness
Due to impending (re)death, we always have little time. Due to impending (re)birth, we always have much time. — Stonepeace
The Guru Within You
If there are no inner gurus, outer gurus would not be needed to awaken them. — Stonepeace | Get Books Question: You said something… about an ‘inner guide.’ Could you explain that? Answer:...
Foolish or Wise?
If others are often more foolish or wise than you think, are you often more foolish or wise than you think? — Stonepeace | Get Books
Transforming the Past in the Present
The only way to change the past is in the present. The only way to shape the future is in the present. — Stonepeace | Get Books A participant at one of our meditation retreats was an American who...
Buddhahood is Possible
Even if Buddhahood is impossible, it is still the worthiest goal to work towards — to be as perfect in compassion and wisdom as possible. Since Buddhahood is possible, it is the worthiest goal to...
Rebuttal of Arguments Against Identitylessness
As there is self only conventionally, there is no self ultimately. — Stonepeace | Get Books (70) One might [mistakenly] say that in the absence of a [ultimate; substantial and thus unchanging] self...
Everyone’s Strengths
One has one’s weaknesses while everyone has everyone’s strengths. — Stonepeace | Get Books
Democracy with Freedom, Compassion & Wisdom
The only ‘restrictions’ that lead to greater freedom are the [moral] precepts. — Stonepeace | Get Books A democratic system based on freedom [and on compassion and concern for the well-being of all...
Not Different
The mind, the Buddha and sentient beings — these three are not different [because they have Buddha-nature]. — The Buddha (Avatamsaka Sutra)
Can Nature Rely on Your Buddha-nature?
Your harmony is when your Buddha-nature makes peace with nature. World harmony is when our Buddha-nature makes peace with nature. — Stonepeace | Get Books One day during meditation, I was...
Close the Gap
[If] you feel that there is some gap between yourself and the Dharma, then you [should] strive to make that gap smaller, to bring yourself nearer and nearer to the Dharma. – H.H. the 17th...
No Point in Being Dejected & Glum
The cause of happiness is rare, And many are the seeds of suffering! But if I have no pain, I’ll never long for freedom; Therefore my mind, be steadfast! — Shantideva So come what may, I’ll not upset...
How to Easier Stomach a Pinch of Salt
Since the workings of Karma are dynamic, so is your destiny dynamic. — Stonepeace | Get Book In the Lonaphala Sutta (Salt Crystal Discourse), the Buddha explained why it is erroneously fatalistic to...
Fastest Way
The fastest way to dissolve tension is to radiate loving-kindness. Even for great long-time enemies, it is still the fastest way. — Stonepeace | Get Books
How to Listen to a Dharma Talk
Listening to the Dharma with your entire being, can transform your entire being. — Stonepeace | Get Books The teachings of the Buddha are called the Dharma. If you attend a retreat at a practice...
Perfect Humanity
When [one’s] humanity is realised [perfectly], Buddhahood is realised [perfectly]. – Master Taixu
Don’t Mix Up
Assess a religion on the basis of its teachings. The deeds of its followers are a different matter; whether good or bad, they belong to individuals and not the teachings. Don’t mix up the two...
Not in Vain
Make the day not in vain, a little or a lot. However much the day passes, that’s how much less is life. Your last day approaches. This isn’t your time to be heedless. – Srimanda...
Proof of the Validity of Rebirth
A life without a past or future life is much more unbelievable than a chain of past and future lives linked to this one. — Stonepeace During his closing comments, Alan Wallace illustrates the need...
Still Yet Aware
Stillness with awareness is right, but stillness without mindfulness is wrong. — Master Yongjia
The Buddha’s Skilful Use of Supernormal Powers
To the wise, the Dharma is the true miracle. To the foolish, magic tricks are ‘enough’. Transformation of the foolish into the wise is the true miracle. — Stonepeace A rich merchant in...
Sponsor The Daily Enlightenment
The Gift of Truth Excels All Other Gifts — The BuddhaScan the QR Code via your DBS/POSB PayLah appScan the QR Code via your Bank’s apporClick to go to Paypal For other means (online bank...