Even after that deemed precious is lost, what gained can be more precious, an invaluable lesson. —...
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[44] The Parable Of Desiring To Eat Half A...
譬如有人,因其饥故食七枚煎饼,食六枚半已便得饱满,其人恚悔,以手自打而作是言:「我今饱足由此半饼,然前六饼唐自捐弃,设知半饼能充足者,应先食之。」 For example, there is a...
Can Food Offered To The Deceased Be Eaten...
Question: Is vegan food already offered to the deceased suitable for eating? Answer: The idea...
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Bruce the boy, who was just bereaved of his parents in a robbery shootout, is in his bedroom, under...
That which is indestructible by allis that which can destroy all.(That is truth.) Stonepeace
Be Like The Rock
To be like the rockthat the waveskeep crashing over. It stands unmovedand the raging of the...
How Zeno From Zero Became A Stoic Hero
Even after that deemed precious is lost, what gained can be more precious, an invaluable lesson. —...
The Root Ten Precepts Of All Buddhas And...
佛子!有十不可悔戒,应受应持。 Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, there are Ten Unrepentable Precepts, that...
Who To Help A Constant Complainer?
Question: A friend almost ONLY complains in whatever s/he communicates, in her/his conversations...
‘American Fiction’ Or Fact...
Is stereotyping simply delusional,or somewhat sensible,since the stereotypicalis supposed to be...